September 25, 2010

Clean Your Windows XP SP2 DllCache Files Regularly

In Microsoft Windows SP2 , there was a Folder name dllcache. This folder holds temporary cache files and sometimes can be up to 2.5 Gb files. This is Junk ! Cleaning all the files in DLLCACHE folder will increase hard disk space and performance.
How to remove files in dllcache folder to increase space and performance :-

1 - The dllcache folder can be found at C:/Windows/System32/DllCache to locate it

* Click Start > Run > type in CMD and hit enter > then type C:\>cd windows\system32\dllcache then enter

Once you are in the dllcache directory, you can view the files by typing dir and the enter

*  To delete all the files just typing del *.* and then type y to confirm . Wait until all files deleted.

You can view the files again by typing dir to confirm files deleted.

2 - Checking this folder can be run weekly or monthly . Everyday checking is not recomended.

Other Tips :  Delete with normal windows explorer are not recomended , this will cause windows 'hung', that why command prompt (dos) is used for.

Like A Glass

I still remember the word that she say to me. Without a reason i has been punish and totally been neglected. I finally realize that other has treat her very well. Now i has an opportunities to see her love.

There is no point of hiding, secret means lying to me. This is not a beautiful liar BUT it totally idiots. In fact, the God still with me. Thank God !

When Night Arise

When sunset arise
Yellow light displayed
Marking all the memories
The night will come
Bringing restless to my heart
Still inside of my hearts
Fresh as it begun
You are my loves
Everlasting into memories

CCleaner v2.35.1223

Ccleaner is the one of my favourite Freeware software where can 'Remove Junk Files" and fixing error Registry in a few clicks. It's very friendly user interface and the process is fast. Saving a lots of time and can increase the windows performance.

There is an options which we can add a files or directory which can be remove in the cleaning process. It was very easy to use and the most important it,completely free and save to use without spyware or malware. The more information about the software please visits :

3 Years of Disaster

Past 3 years i have been in a 'disaster' situation where i got lying from somebody i trusted. Finally now all the feeling is gone slowly. It hurts when you trust people with all your heart.

Since the begining, i always feel that something will happens BUT i trust her over the limits.
She got the best person in her life now and i alway pray for happiness for her. For me this is my first mistakes in my life. I will keep learning and learning. I understand what people says ; 'The more failled you attempt the more good you will be'.

Life is not always goods and happiness, something the disaster strike without a notice. This can make us strongger than before. We will know whois right and whois wrong. And i got the answer im searching before.

From now on, another begining life is coming . Good bye memories.